Has Your Woman Been Shutting Down Intimacy?

There are 3 big intimacy killers for woman in a relationship. If she is feeling one of these ways you can kiss intimacy goodbye.

The 3 intimacy killers are

  • Feeling unseen.
  • Feeling unsafe.
  • Feeling misunderstood.

Now that you are aware, let’s do a quick dive into solutions for this.

1) If she is feeling unseen, she needs to feel seen.

The root of this is simply attention. Your woman wants your undivided attention and she wants your presence. Being distracted and having your mind elsewhere is a huge barrier to intimacy.

When you spend time with her, spend time with her. Don’t try and multitask this time. Being in the moment doesn’t just satisfied her needs, it helps you enjoy the moment more as well.

2) If she is feeling unsafe, she needs reassurance.

As men it can often be hard to relate to this, but this is massive for women. Your reassurance gives her peace of mind and it gives her safety. This can look different, depending on the dynamic of the relationship you are in, but the key here is just affirmations.

It never hurts to overcommunicate with your woman. at times it might feel like too much to you, but it’s…



Anthony Messina I Entrepreneur Empowerment Guide

💥 I guide current and aspiring entrepreneurs to their limitless power 🔗 Ready to become an empowered entrepreneur?👇🏼